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magic scrolls, ornate, dark, light, glowing, parchment, runes Artist unknown
cages, square, circle, steel, wood, hanging Artist unknown
fountains, simple, ornate, night, day, beautiful Artist unknown
doors, wood, metal, plain, ornate, vines Artist (1st) Lluc Romani, (3rd) Sandeep Saini
tomes, magic, glow, simple, old, beautiful , leather, lock, candles Artist unknown
siege weapons, trebuchet, catapult, tower Artist (1st) Moohyun Park, (2nd) Christopher Schroeder, (4th) El-Andyjack
gems, bag, blue, purple, red, green, gold, black Artist (1st-3rd) Michal Cap, 5th Renze Segubiense
traps, caltrops, pits, spikes, blades Artist (4th) Wei Chen, (5th) Gabriel Romann
thrones, blue, white, gold, red, dark Artist unknown