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monks, male, female, Dragonborn, human, young, old
Artist (2nd) Alecson Guido, (3rd) Daniel Devona
fighters, male, female, young, old, human, elf, swords
Artist (4th) Dima Rozhdeskvensky, (5th) Leko Guerreriro
clerics, male, female, young, human, elf
Artist (4th) Heewon Kang, (5th) Voltairis
artificer, human, elf, gnome, gadgets, armor
Artist unknown
warlocks, dark, feathered, cloaked, masked, staff, demons, glowing
Artist (3rd) Sergey Kondratovich, (5th) Halycon540
bards, young, old, male, female, ornate, simple
Artist (1st) Henrique
rogues, male, female, dark, back hair, blonde
Artist (2nd) Daria Rashev (5th) Daniel Castiblanco
druids, male, female, old, young, black, green, casting, magic
Artist (1st) Rebecca Oborn, (2nd) Mark Loyd
paladins, male, female, sword, armor, shield, glow, ornate
Artist (1st) Lorenn Tyr, (2nd) Simon Dubuc
wizards, young, old, casting, eastern, ornate, simple
Artist unknown
barbarians, male, female, chief, epic, plain
Artist (1st) Younghun Byun, (2nd) Sabastian Horoszko, (3rd) Maxim Popov, (5th) Kerem Beyit