Dungeon Master Image Resource Guide

Welcome to dmirg (pronounced demiurge)
dmirg is a Dungeons & Dragons imageboard providing Dungeon Masters inspiration and reference material
Certain boards have strict posting requirements check out the rules link at the bottom

To search: go to a board then click [Catalog] you can then enter keyword(s) into the filter box

To start a new thread: go to a board then click [New Thread]

To reply to a thread: click [Open] to the right of the thread then [New Reply]

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/npcs/ - NPCsIndividuals players interact with02123
/geography/ - GeographyTerrains your players will explore00034
/planes/ - PlanesRealms of the Great Wheel00026
/monsters/ - MonstersCreatures that populate the world00025
/gear/ - GearWhat your players carry or wear00024
/dungeons/ - DungeonsThe lairs your players crawl00023
/classes/ - ClassesYour players profession and calling00023
/objects/ - ObjectsMiscellaneous items00022
/races/ - RacesPlayable species and races00022
/structures/ - StructuresThe many buildings players enter00022
/transportation/ - TransportationThe various means of travel00022
/spells/ - SpellsThe magic and spells casted00020
/meta/ - Metasite related discussion: boards, ideas, etc0002
/miniatures/ - MiniaturesShow off your miniatures and sets0001
/advice/ - DM AdviceDungeon Master advice area0001
/community/ - CommunityA place to discuss all things D&D0001
Local Stats
There are currently 16 public boards, 16 in total. Sitewide, 2 posts have been made in the last day, 0 in the last hour, 307 in total.
1345 files are being served, totaling 352.4MB.
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